Tuesday, November 14, 2006

As I'm getting older I find it hard to concentrate on things and conversations that I'm not interested in. I try to fight it, but my mind starts to wander. Don't worry, if you're reading this blog you are someone I'm interested in and enjoy talking to. When I'm at home and can't concentrate I just take a nap. What am I supposed to do at work? I know that part of the reason is that my job is not my passion, but I still need to focus. I need to be able to entertain the conversations of coworkers and my superiors. I have to pinch myself to stay awake during meetings and conference calls and pray that no one asks me a question since I wasn't paying attention. Sometimes I day dream and think about things I could be doing if I was not at work or didn't have to work for money. Some thoughts include shopping, going to a spa, running an errand, seeing a movie, and other thoughts are packing up my stuff and traveling from continent to continent, seeing the seven wonders of the world, or helping with relief efforts in the Congo. I spend much time at work brainstorming places I'd like to live and editing my financial plan. I know....I'm bad. I'm going to take some project management courses next semester, and I will need to focus.
Listen Z.... the only jobs you loved and focused on were those involving children, volunteering, and helping others live better. Did you seriously think you would be fulfilled in anything else?!? Stop letting money deter you from changing careers. Follow your passion and everything else will fall into place. Sometimes you just have to talk to yourself....

I don't hate my job at all. I don't dread going to work. I like the relationships that I have with my coworkers and boss, but this is not my passion. I would also love to take my recruiting experience to a political campaign like that of Barak Obama.

I had a weird experience where I'm not sure if I did the right thing. I usually give some of the homeless guys on 86 or 15-501 a dollar or a bottle of water on my way to work. Today I had a six pack of water in my car. I gave a guy one bottle. He drank it so fast, like before the light turned green. He was panting and obviously dehydrated. Later I felt like I should have given him another bottle. Why didn't I give it to him? I'm really sensitive to homeless people. For one, I know that most of the older homeless men we see are Vietnam Veterans who could not socialize themselves back into society. Second, it could have been me. I volunteered at a soup kitchen in Hampton and every man in there was a Vet. I did some research and found out that 1 in 3 homeless men in the U.S. is a veteran. Hmmmmmm.

Take Care and God Bless!


Anonymous said...

It is very hard for me to concentrate on things that are not of interest to me too. Sometime you have to keep face, and act like you're engaged no matter how hard it may be. I really think that you should try to pursue a career that you are passionate about (i.e. being a motivational speaker). I'm sure you'll feel a lot more fulfilled at the end of the day.

Unknown said...

Maybe you don't want to be a study recruiter but a person who is actually giving health education to children or women at risk. That's something that changes lives.