Thursday, January 18, 2007

About ME.................

Alright. The people have spoken. Here it is.............

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior on December 31, 2004 at the Potter's House in Dallas, TX. I grew up in a "Christian" home, was reared in
parochial schools with mandatory religion classes, and I went to church (every now and then my first year of grad school), but I didn't really know the Lord. He wasn't personal to me; rather he was routine. He was the thing you did, because you were told to or everyone else was doing it. Although I was a nice person, I was not submitted to the Word of God. I saw nothing wrong with doing what you want to do on Friday and Saturday nights and then playing Christian on Sundays.

The night I accepted Christ an indescribable feeling came over me during praise and worship and Bishop
Jakes' sermon. I cried and cried tears of joy and repentance. I knew in my heart that this was the end of my life as I knew it, and that my walk was beginning. I knew I had to submit to the Word and find a church home that would feed me spiritually. When I returned to the Triangle, a friend introduced me to WOCC, and I felt at home. I joined a little later. At that point I didn't get too involved in church, because I didn't really want to be accountable to anyone.

Also, at that point in my life I knew what I was supposed to be doing, but I had one foot in and the other out. I could feel God tugging on me as I battled with knowing that many of my actions weren't right and at the same time wanting to "fit in" with everyone else. I was slowly dieing to myself and becoming brand new in Christ, and it was not easy. One week I was on the right path, and the next I fell hard. When I wasn't doing right, I felt guilty or a conviction, and I knew that life wasn't supposed to feel like that. I knew that if I just followed God's promise that I wouldn't feel like that anymore and would be blessed, but I continued to have one foot in and the other out.

God was patient with me, and He kept giving me chances to fully
yield to Him. I can remember each of those times. I can also remember my resistance. There where so many instances in which I fell out of God's protection, and if I would have just submitted to Him ............

One day God placed me in a position where I had no choice, but to submit. I think He had enough of me =). I fully gave my life to God. I submitted my all and rejoiced in His covering. I promised to serve Him and follow His Word. My relationship with Him was now intimate. Although I have reaped many blessings from this intimacy, I would serve Him even if it meant
receiving nothing. My life is not perfect, but there is a peace and happiness. The "hard times" don't get the best of me.

So to answer the question about why I blog, and if I feel uncomfortable putting my business out there.........

When I fully gave my life to God, I asked him to use me. I know he's doing just that. Before last year I was extremely private. To stand in front of people and tell my life story, to show you my wrongs and how I overcame them, and to just talk about me is not like me. Maybe my experiences will show people that they are not alone, that the world may say one thing, but God says another, and that there is protection in submission to the Lord. I want to keep it real, and talk about the hard things. I want to show people that you don't have to have a perfect past in order to come to know Him. Blogging, being submitted to earthly people, and being involved in my church keep me accountable for my actions. I want to bring people to Christ, and I try my best to lead by example. Now I am accountable to you, because I can't say one thing on this blog and do another. I can't do one thing and then work in a children's ministry the next day.

To date, I
have not backed up much of what I've been saying on this blog with biblical references, because most of the people who read it before were saved and already knew where I got what I'm saying from. I will include references. I'm excited about this journey, and I hope you enjoy it too!

I love you!


Anonymous said...

Ms. Z,
You are a wonderful person and it is a delight to see you share your life with the world. It is awesome that you know how to keep yourself accountable and use the means to do so.

I am trying to do what Pastor Andy said about remembering word:

I John 2:6 "Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life are not of God but of the world."


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. You know I am on that walk and most of the time I struggle like no other. Since we don't talk as often as we used to (because we are officially grown and busy) I can still get an example of what I should be doing by reading your blog. Thanks so much for being a light on this journey.